阿宾顿 student secures 实习 at two Big Four accounting firms


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 junior Carly 马丁森 is preparing for two high-profile 实习 in 2021.


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 student Carly 马丁森 hasn’t let the coronavirus pandemic slow her down. 她自夸得了4分.0 G.P.A., works part time, volunteers, and she’s a student-athlete. And now the accounting major is preparing to tackle two 实习 2021年,与国际一流税务和审计事务所合作. 

今年春天, 马丁森 will enroll in one class at 阿宾顿 while completing a full-time internship in the audit group at 普华永道, 跨国审计和鉴证, 咨询, 以及税务服务提供商. Following that intense program, she will move to Washington, D.C., in the summer for another internship, this time with the federal audit practice at 毕马威(KPMG). 
马丁森获得实习机会的帮助来自 阿宾顿’s Center for 职业和专业发展 它的主管, 蒂娜·万斯·奈特.

“我开始自己找实习机会, but I also utilized the career development center at 阿宾顿 and Nittany Lion 职业生涯. I applied to the Big Four accounting firms and a lot of 实习 with help from 蒂娜·万斯·奈特,”她说。. “她非常乐于助人. She set up a mock interview, which really helped me with the interview process. Mock interviews really helped get my confidence up so when interviews started rolling in, 我觉得舒服多了.”

马丁森 also credits two 阿宾顿 accounting professors, Bernard Rosenberg和Zhanel Devides, 支持她. 

“I talked to Professor Devides about my internship process, 她给了我一些关于接受实习机会的建议. 这是一个很大的帮助,”她说.

马丁森, 一个初级, has the foresight to plan to graduate in four years with 150 credits, which will immediately qualify her to take the certified public accounting exam. Instead of enrolling in 18 or 19 credits per semester to accomplish this goal, she takes courses at a local community college every winter break and enrolls in summer courses at 阿宾顿, 太.  


卡莉·马丁森打高尔夫球, 网球, and squash in addition to working part time and planning to graduate with 150 credits.


马丁森’s interests are broader than scholastic, though. 三月初, she traveled with other students and chaperones to the Pine Ridge Native American Reservation in South Dakota for 阿宾顿’s Alternative Spring Break. 

“这是一次奇妙的经历. I really wanted to get involved on campus and thought it would be a good way to do so. I was able to Immerse myself in Native American culture on the Pine Ridge reservation and break out of that bubble that a lot of college students find themselves in,”她说。. 

“We were building a structure for a family so that during the harsh winter machinery they had wouldn’t freeze up. I had the opportunity to experience some of their celebrations and rituals including the sweat lodge. 我遇到了一些很棒的人. 这是一次真正的学习经历,”她说。, adding that she is hoping to participate in Alternative Spring Break again before she graduates in 2022.

马丁森, 一位来自巴克斯县的通勤学生, joined the 阿宾顿 网球 team while maintaining a part-time position at the Trenton Country Club as the paddle 网球 and junior 网球 pro. 在她的大学生涯, 她还执教过高中壁球, worked as assistant athletic program director at her high school alma mater, 当过咖啡师, 自愿为妇女选民联盟工作. 她也打高尔夫球。.

“I went to boarding school for high school, and they managed your time for you. Once I got to college, I was hit with free time that I never had before. College has taught me to manage time and working has helped me grow up. I keep two running agendas to help manage school and work tasks. 阿宾顿给了我工作和上学的机会. I’ve more life experiences than I had in high school,”她说。. 

“我致力于追求卓越. I really love everything I do so I fully commit myself to work and school and to being the best that I can be. I really enjoy all of it so that it’s not hard to commit myself to succeeding especially because it helps other people, 太. If I do the best job I can at work, it makes my boss’s job easier. 在学校,它是帮助我的队友. I really enjoy being the best that I can be and learning life skills,” 马丁森 said.

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